
“Camo” is an original, mixed media collage on an 10×10 wood panel.

Fun, colorful and textured background matches this well-dressed doll in her green wool coat with the broken plaid design. The camouflaged outfit means she’s pretty well hidden, except the red ribbon on her hat, which might give away her location. Protective gloss finish and black edges make this wood panel collage ready to hang.

Lace Me Up

“Lace Me Up” is an original, mixed media collage on an 8×10 stretched canvas.

Lots of layered goodness in this collaged and acrylic background. Focus is on a sweet vintage corset, layered under a vintage dress pattern. Simple, yet complex and reminiscent of a different time in ladies’ lingerie. Protective gloss finish and black edges make this ready to hang in the powder room or dressing room.

Flank Steak, Beef Cake

“Flank Steak, Beef Cake” is an original, handcut paper collage on 5×7 heavy watercolor paper.

Start with a side of beef – who doesn’t need a refresher on wholesale cuts and how to cook them? Add a side of steamed carrots, and a stone statue peeking through the window – well – it doesn’t necessary make sense, but the flank steak/beef cake connection appealed to me – and I love the vintage cookbooks – especially pages like this. Let’s throw some meat on the grill and contemplate a simpler time.

Bright Lights, Big City 🔴

“Bright Lights, Big City” is an original, handcut paper collage on 5×7 heavy watercolor paper.

I love the juxtaposition between the sepia tones of the vintage city girl, and the colorful lights that crisscross the design. Another example of great copywriting with “Fashion dots your eyes” to describe this polka dot ensemble. The description goes on to say that little things mean a lot to larger women – like a carefully planned pleat, or these size-camouflaging dots – and, of course, a little price of $2.98! I’m ready to head into the big city in this fun little piece – won’t you join me?

🔴 *SOLD*

Marvelous Control

“Marvelous Control” is an original, handcut paper/mixed media collage on 5×7 matboard.

This sweet catalog gal, in her hand-painted coat, looks out over the world around her – from a global view of Australia, to a county map that depicts such detail as telephone lines and power lines. Shy, but confident, in her traveling hat, she exhibits marvelous control of her excitement, while maintaining perfect posture. Another gal advertises the undercover control of a $2.88 girdle – such a deal for presenting a shapely figure and keeping your tummy tucked in!

The Old Swimming Hole

“The Old Swimming Hole” is an original, handcut paper/mixed media collage on 6×6 heavy watercolor paper.

This instructional image from a vintage Boy Scout Handbook tells you to “grasp your ankles and you’ll float like a jellyfish.” THEN they tell you to learn the proper way to breathe… The background for this little piece includes an authentic, handwritten receipt from the early 1900s and some hand-painted papers evocative of water. I’m ready to join these boys in their swimming hole, how about you?

Casserole King

“Casserole King” is an original, handcut paper collage on 5×7 heavy watercolor paper.

Old cookbooks hold a wealth of memories – recipes my mother and grandmother made (with varying degrees of success!) and the wonderful photos and illustrations, separated by tabs that promise “Quick and Easy” or “Dining for Special Occasions.”

“Casserole King” brings us the Chapter 8 page of the old Better Homes and Gardens ring binder cookbook. Various other recipes and some fun little houses from a children’s book serve up the background. The king, himself, seems to be calling the subjects to dine. I just have to wonder what is on his menu today.

Importation, Regulation, Dancing Shoes, Desperation

“Importation, Regulation, Dancing Shoes, Desperation” is an original, handcut paper collage on 5×7 matboard.

I have a thing for vintage advertising. I could go through old magazines for hours. One of my favorite parts of an old magazine is the classified section at the back – amazing to look back on all of the offers, the work from home schemes, the free samples, the patterns, the personalized gifts! Even better than an old magazine, though, is an old catalog. I found a 1937 Montgomery Ward catalog at an estate sale a while back. It is not in the greatest shape, but I am certainly enjoying almost 800 pages of household goods, clothing, and just about anything else you would have needed to set up house in 1930s America. The illustrations and copywriting are amazing. What a different world!

I love the fresh faces of these catalog gals, with an old map and vintage illustrations in the background. A vocabulary book gave me the list of words, to which I added “Dancing Shoes,” as the shoe girl was separated from the spring dress girls. My friend commented that I really should charge more than 38 cents, which I took from another vintage ad – I marvel at the fact that you could buy anything for just 38 cents! And so, we contemplate style, price, and a list of rhyming words…

Season of Chaos

“Season of Chaos” is an original mixed media collage on 5″x7″ watercolor paper.

This colorful collage features lots of colorful vintage imagery, including some ballroom dancing instruction! They go up and down and about in this season of chaos – is the gal in the corner thinking about the holiday season or the current political atmosphere? You decide!