Flamingo Drive In 🔴

“Flamingo Drive In” is encaustic on wood panel (16″H x 12″W x 1.5″D).

“Flamingo Drive In” was created for my solo exhibit, Waxing Poetic. I found an old public domain image of the Flamingo Movie Theater, and combined some flamingos with what looks like a yearbook, but is actually stars of yesteryear. I love the texture of the encaustic wax build up and the black and white color palette. So happy that the Flamingos found a forever home!

🔴  SOLD!

My Heart 🔴

“My Heart” is encaustic on wood panel (10″H x 10″W x 1.5″D).

“My Heart” set a record for me today! I dropped off this new artwork, my first completed piece in 2023, for the Member’s Gallery at the new Rockport Center for the Arts. Before the show was hung, I got a phone call that it had sold and could I make another similar piece before Friday’s opening – sure thing! So I’m working on that right now!

🔴  SOLD!

Louise 🔴

“Louise” is encaustic on wood panel (16″H x 12″W x 1.5″D).

“Louise” was created for the South Texas Art League Annual Juried Exhibit at the Art Museum of South Texas. After a photo shoot of our two heifers, Thelma and Louise, it was determined that Louise was the more photogenic cow. The exhibit at the Art Museum of South Texas coincided with the 50th Anniversary of their Singer Building. I drew my inspiration from the Museum’s main exhibit, “Warhol, Johns, and Stella: Revisted” and use Andy Warhol’s cows as inspiration for this new piece.

🔴  SOLD!

Fish Academy

Fish Academy received second place in the 57th Tri-Group Show this year. Many thanks to juror, Dr. Benjamin Ogrodnik, Assistant Professor of Art at Del Mar Collage.

Dr. Ogrodnik really took a great deal of care in jurying this exhibit. His Juror’s Statement spans two pages of the program and goes into so much more detail than the usual “such a great wealth of art and artists in our community, so difficult to pick, etc. etc.”

I was awestruck by his description of my piece and wanted to share his words with you:

“The second-place piece, Fish Academy, contrasts sharply with the contemplative mood of Midnight Sonata. The small-sized encaustic painting appears as a translucent surface composed of cloudy, discolored forms. But, once examined up close, bits of text, numbers, and schools of fish become visible through the soupy opacity of the picture. Unlike the peaceful, almost static seascapes one often finds in South Texas art galleries, Fish Academy explodes with the fury of a typhoon. The flat text combines with the physical materials in this chaotic abstraction, inviting us to linger over the texture and depths of its drippy surfaces. What it shares with Midnight Sonata is a sense of time and duration, albeit on the level of materiality.”

Note: the first-place piece, Midnight Sonata, that he refers to is a beautifully crafted, and realistic, oil painting of a woman sitting on the edge of a luxurious sofa.

I am particularly struck by this sentence: “Unlike the peaceful, almost static seascapes one often finds in South Texas art galleries, Fish Academy explodes with the fury of a typhoon.”

My artwork, especially the abstracts, really is at odds with most of the birds, fishes, and watercolor paintings of the harbors and sunsets that populate most of the galleries in this area. 

Encaustic collage on wood panel 

16”H x 12”W

Currently available at Moon Over Water Gallery.



Paper Moon

Say it’s only a paper moon…

Or in this case, corrugated cardboard moon.

My latest encaustic collage has me humming along to these wonderful lyrics:

Say it’s only a paper moon,

Sailing over a cardboard sea,

But it wouldn’t be make-believe

If you believed in me.

Encaustic collage on wood panel 

16”H x 12”W x 1.5″D

If you’re a local, you’ll be able to see this beauty up close and personal at my solo exhibit in the Kucera Gallery at the Art Center of Corpus Christi through February 25, 2023.

More Than His Belly Can

Ogden Nash said it best: “A wonderful bird is the pelican. His bill can hold more than his belican.” As I wax poetic and observe the birds in the Coastal Bend, the humor of this limerick made me pair old hotel menus with the vintage bird drawings, as if the purpose of the pelican is to really get his money’s worth at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Encaustic collage on wood panel 

16”H x 12”W

Go “behind the scenes” and see me create the pelican!

Currently available at the Port Aransas Art Center.

A Writ of Habeas Corvus 🔴

“A Writ of Habeas Corvus” is an encaustic collage on wood panel (16″H x 12″W x 1.5″D).

Featuring a crow, a birdcage, and some actual turn-of-the-century legal documents from my vintage source materials, encaustic wax, graphite, and tar, this playful, textural piece is like an archeological dig.

This piece was juried into the 8th Annual Crow Show at The Studio Door in San Diego, California.

Subsequently, the crow received 1st Place in Mixed Media in the 54th Annual Silver Cup Show for the Art Association of Corpus Christi.

🔴  SOLD!